Monday, May 3, 2010

Herpes Upper Pubic Area


Of a truth and a lie, a film workshop in Peru from Elotrolugar on Vimeo .

of a truth and a lie
, is an art studio and film took place in Lima, Peru in March 2010, with children from 7-13 years in the district of Villa El Salvador. Inspired by a French experience (*), the workshop was proposed and directed by Maritza Fuentes of the Franco-Peruvian The other place / L'autre lieu , with the collaboration of Boris Nicot and Sandra Jacq. The main objective of this experiment was to stimulate reflection on visual images, children create the tools needed to make a film, then live with them the experience of a "real shooting." Cameras, microphones, booms, headphones and film recorders were made for each child with boxes and cardboard tubes. Thus, the children found themselves behind the scenes making own movie, taking on various roles during filming. This workshop was held at the Cultural House of Sand and theater group mats, without whose complicity and support would not have been possible. This video is a trace of this experience.

For more information, write to

(*) From a verdad y mentira es una adaptación a peruana hecha por Maritza Fuentes del taller "The real, fake, video" in 2006 Creado por Boris Nicot y Marion Bee in France.


De verdad y is a lie is a workshop of art and cinema, held in Lima, Peru in March 2010, with children between 7 and 13 years in the district of Villa El Salvador. Inspired by a French experience (*), the workshop was proposed and led by Maritza Fuentes, Association Franco-Peruvian El otro lugar / The other place , with the collaboration of Boris Nicot and Sandra Jacq.
thought-provoking visual images from the workshop aims to create children with the tools necessary for making a film, then live with them experience a "real film". Cameras, microphones, poles and helmets, recorders were made by each child from cans and cardboard tubes recovered. In this way, children found themselves behind the scenes of the making of a film, taking on different roles and functions during filming.
This workshop took place in the cultural center of the theater Arena y Esteras , benefiting from the complicity and support of the group. This video is a record of that experience.

If you want more information, email us at

(*) De verdad y has to lie is an adaptation made by Peruvian Maritza Fuentes of the workshop "The truth the false, the video "created in 2006 by Boris Nicot and Marion Bee in France.