Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Diagram Ps3 Receiver Tv

Blog on cultural tourism and trail barefoot

A short article to promote new blog on innovation in tourism. This is one of 3 students in cultural tourism treating you guess innovation in cultural tourism!
The goal is to focus on operations, actions, products, offers innovative cultural tourism to move a little middle.
Just the same spirit that this blog after all! For

you judge the quality of articles I will book one that could find it here.

Article published on April 22, 2009

A tourist trail barefoot

It is not quite an innovation since the concept already exists in Germany, however, of Floral Park Brocéliande Gardens, near Rennes, is practically the first in France to offer a course that is both fun and educational to barefoot!

The course "Wake your feet" is to test the materials or contact with 45 different textures, such as rubber, shingle, slate or red bark and bamboo, on a plot of one kilometer. A cultural tour rich in sensations, you can discover images on their site !


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