Friday, October 23, 2009

Chopper Bicycle Rims For Sale

"Cape Marina

The marina as it is called is probably the liveliest place on Monastir.
Indeed, the marina is composed of a multitude of restaurants (Tunisian specialty, French, Italian ,...) and cafes including the famous "Sidi Bou Said," with of course tea and shisha 4 dinars for about 2 euros .

The marina also has a multitude of crafts where you can get tattooed with henna.

Finally, if you're the proud owner a boat, the marina can welcome you among its 400 ships.

Tel.: + 216 73 462 305
Fax: + 216 73 464 999
Email: Apart Hotel:

You can also visit the "islands Kuriat" from the port and stay in one of the apartments of the Marina!


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